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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

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Translate Japanese Patent Documents More Efficiently


As we know, Japan plays some important part in the intellectual property world. So it's not practical to ignore patents published in Japan. However, I'm guessing you have almost the same feel like me, Japanese is not an easy language and when we face a japanese patent, the language becomes a huge difficulty for us to understand what that document discloses.

Luckily, JPO provides a link where we can have access to many of its patent documents translated in English. Of course, it's done by Robot, like a software on a Computer with advanced hardwares.

If you go a further deep in JPO, you'll soon discover it offers different links to English patent-counterparts of japanese patents. Some are N000=116, N000=115, and THE ONE I'd recommend here.

Why the last one better, after trying the 3 links above, I think you'll soon find the last one has a FULL CONTENT option. And this does great help that we do not have to translate part by part as like using the former 2 methods.